Listen, if you ever mistreat a horse again I'll send you to a glue factory. Tell all your friends.

Claudia: Are you ok?
Pete: I got dirt in places where dirt should never be.

Pete: Holy ganja Batman.
Claudia: Ah, the blue glow was for the grow lights.

[talking to herself] Go with Pete they say, you'll love it, sunshine and fresh air. [Slaps a bug on her neck] Why am I so delicious to you?

Claudia: Holy metaphor, Artie's brain is...
Steve: the warehouse. I can't say I'm surprise.
Claudia: I figured it had to either be this or a magical land made entirely of doughnuts.

Steve: Wait, Pete and Myka get a dagger and we get a plague? Why don't we stop being the B-Team?
Claudia: We are not the B-Team fool, we are the second A-Team.

Claudia: Permission to save my brother?
Artie: Go. Save.

Steve: I want to let it go, I really do, but I don't know how.
Claudia: I don't know; maybe do what your mom does. Maybe think about Olivia.

Artie: I was afraid you were buried alive again.
Claudia: What?
Artie: uh what?
Claudia: Again?
Artie: Why do you always listen to me when I don't want you to?

Claudia: Breath Obi-Wan, we heard you.
Steve: We found a trip wire, so we tripped it - on purpose.

Claudia: Who died and made you the boss of me?
Steve: Ah, I did.

Claudia: Oh come on, I think it's so cute. You officially have a girlfriend.
Artie: She's not my girlfriend.
Claudia: Ah, are you seeing anyone else?
Artie: No.
Claudia? Do you want to?
Artie: No.
Claudia: She's your girlfriend.