Fitz: But you do love him.
Cyrus: Of course.
Fitz: Don't give up on him. If you love him. Just don't give up.

[to James] You made a choice. You did this. This is the man you are. And guess what? I love you anyway. Because that is the man I am.

[to Fitz] I'm saying the right side and the wrong side are determined not by me and not by you but by history. History makes the heroes and the villains, sir. You and I? We're just players.

Mellie: I'd say this is a new low.
Cyrus: Not for me.

Mellie: I just don't understand why I have to apologize for his affair.
Cyrus: Because that's how it works.

James: You’re a shameless monster.
Cyrus: Who loves you dearly!

This is a Greek tragedy in the making. Winged mistresses flying too close to the sun.

Olivia Pope. The gift that keeps on giving.

Cyrus: Now you listen to me.
David: No, you listen to me. I may not have the Cytron card anymore, but I do have my conscience. And there's a hell of a lot of noise I can make if I don't think you're worthy of the moral sacrifice I made.

[to Fitz] We will now all do our level best to not blow her up, but you cannot call Olivia because there is no way in hell I'm allowing the two of you to share a headline for the third week running.

[to James] Girls like to be kissed first, right? Romance them a little before you dive right into their pants.

Cyrus: I'll give you exactly one second to get your feet off my desk.
Leo: Or what?
Cyrus: Or I'll cut 'em off and shove 'em down your throat.
Leo: I'm a size 11 1/2. I seriously doubt my feet would fit down my throat.
Cyrus: I'm not talking about your feet you baby-faced twit. I'm talking about your balls. Have they even dropped yet? Will you miss them when they're gone?