Olivia: Cyrus, I can't talk.
Cyrus: Why not?
Olivia: Because Hollis Doyle's daughter has been kidnapped.
Cyrus: Karma.

[to Fitz] I'm saying the right side and the wrong side are determined not by me and not by you but by history. History makes the heroes and the villains, sir. You and I? We're just players.

Olivia: Cyrus?
Cyrus: I'll be there in 20. I was thinking a nice Napa red with a side of Stovetop popcorn. We'll go old school tonight?

Cyrus: Is it a date? Who is he?
Olivia: You wouldn't know him. I don't even know if I know him. There's something not quite right there, but I'm going with it because God knows when it comes to men my instincts haven't exactly served me well, so I'm jumping. This is me jumping.
Cyrus: Why is everyone cheating on me?

Fitz: But you do love him.
Cyrus: Of course.
Fitz: Don't give up on him. If you love him. Just don't give up.

[to James] You wanted to know who I am? This is who I am. Defiance is who I am. This is me. This is who you married. This is who you love.

[to James] You made a choice. You did this. This is the man you are. And guess what? I love you anyway. Because that is the man I am.

Cyrus: Why are you calling, Mr. President.
Fitz: I killed Verna Thornton.

Fitz: Would she forgive me if she knew?
Cyrus: There are things we don't tell them. Things we bury. Things we hide. That's the job. You did something, sir. It doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy.

Cyrus: You know what happens if a bored nurse or arrogant doctor tweets that the President, same one who was shot in the head 10 months ago, is in the hospital in the middle of the night? Markets panic. Reporters swarm. Defcon levels change.
Fitz: Cats and dogs will finally get along?

I'm asking you to be an adult. Stop holding your breath. Quit stomping your feet. It's time to pick up your toys like a good girl and act like the First Lady of the United States of America.

Yes, I am currently on the outside looking in. My nose is pressed up to the glass of life right now. And I want to thank you for that. I do. Because you know, it reminded me never to let my guard down. Not when something Mellie this way comes. So don't you worry about me. I will once again be his warrior. I will once again sit at the right hand of the father. I'm on it, my guard is up, and as a friend of mine likes to say, 'it's handled.'