Frasier: You know he’s taking advantage of you, don’t you?
David: Oh, I know.
Frasier: And you don’t mind that?
David: Are you kidding? I don’t know if you know this about me, but growing up, I was a little coddled. I have yet to eat an intact grape. But Dr. Cornwall is the first adult to trust me with any real responsibility.
Frasier: You don’t resent him in spite of all you’re doing?
David: No, no. The work may seem menial, but it feels good to be valued.

Freddy: I know you’re taking this kinda hard, but it’s really not the end of the world.
David: Says the guy with brains and brawn who can eat all the tree nuts he wants.

I have never gotten a B in my life. What’s next? A face tattoo that reads Do Crime?

Freddy: Buddy, it’s just a B.
David: To anyone else, it’s just a B. But I’m a Crane. You know what it’s like.
Freddy: Oh yeah. The Crane Curse. Nothing’s ever good enough. There’s always a shiner object just out of reach.
David: Exactly. You always have to get the highest grade. Win every award.
Freddy: Spend every summer at Trigonometry Camp.
David: While all your friends are taking it easy at Algebra Camp. Why is our family like this?
Freddy: I don’t know. I mean, growing up, I felt like I had to constantly prove I deserved to be in this family.
David: How did you deal with the expectations?
Freddy: I guess I could until I couldn’t. Then, one lecture, I just walked out and never walked back in.
David: Because of the pressure?
Freddy: Because I wasn’t happy.

Freddy: David, tonight I'm going to teach you how to strike up a conversation with a real, live human woman. That's right. I am going to give you the gift of game.
Eve: Loser. Okay, you know what? I'm going to stay and help.
David: Really? How many girls have you kissed?
Eve: More than you, babe.

Freddy: No! Oh my God. You're a teenager. She's almost 30. Her boyfriend died barely a year ago. She has a baby you're not even allowed to hold.
David: A baby I'm afraid to hold.

They booby-trapped you with your own charisma. How dare they debase you by forcing you to do the very thing you did by choice for 15 years.

David: Look around, Uncle. You are the Rosie-cheeked debutante at this ball of the brains. I am the strapping young cadet.
Frasier: Go sit down, David.

Frasier: You know, you remind me of your mother. Perpetually optimistic. Always seeing the…Do you have to put in eye drops right as we’re having a nice moment?
David: You can’t tell me it’s not Sahara dry in here.
Frasier: Now you remind me of your father.

Frasier Quotes

Alan: And how are things between you two? I remember how tense it was when he dropped out of Harvard.
Frasier: All these years later, I still don’t get it, but he’s forging his own path, and I support that.
Alan: And I believe you. Oh, look, now we’re both liars.

Alan: I still can’t believe how big TV personality Frasier Crane walks away from his talk show.
Frasier: It was time. I told them get off your knees and stop begging. I’m already out the door.
Alan: And things with Charlotte?
Frasier: She told me the same thing. But it was for the best. After 20 years in Chicago, It was time for George Bailey to get that old bag out of the closet and see the world.