Morgan: It's just a shame that Chuck couldn't be here. Although, I'm pretty sure he's probably enjoying his own delicious little meal right about now. And of course I mean Sarah Walker.
Devon: Yeah, if he hasn't broken up with her yet.
Morgan: Uh, why on God's green earth would he ever, ever break up with Sarah?
Devon: Ask Ellie. It was her idea.
Morgan: Really?
Ellie: What? He said that he didn't think she was the one.
Morgan: There are a few precious things I know anything about in this world. Chuck's one of them. Believe me, Sarah's the one.
Ellie: How do you know?
Morgan: How do I know? It's-It's all over the kid's face. When Chuck is around Sarah, he is the Chuck that we always dreamed of. The-The Chuck that has the potential to do anything in the world.

Chuck: Ellie, Awesome, I have made a very important decision. I'm moving out.
Ellie: Oh, yes!
Chuck: And moving in with Morgan.
Ellie: No!
Morgan: Oh, yeah. Video games and nudity all day and all night...
Sarah: (knocking on the door and entering) Oh, I'm sorry. (to Chuck) Can I talk to you for a second? It's kind of important. (They leave together)
Morgan: Talk about your third wheel...

(Chuck's cellphone rings)
Ellie: Chuck. That's Sarah. Don't you want to answer it?
Chuck: Oh, you know, I'm gonna see her later anyway, so.
Awesome: Yeah. Sometimes you got to play hard to get. Cold and detached is a very powerful aphrodisiac, babe.
Ellie: So is abstinence. You want to try it?
Awesome: Not getting involved.

Ellie: You're gonna be okay, John. A lot of people get by with nine toes.
Jeff: I'm getting by fine with eight.

Ned: Chuck, you've been a good friend to me, so I'm gonna return the favor, I'm gonna let your girlfriend go.
Chuck: No.
Ellie: Chuck.
Jeff: Ouch!
Lester: Yikes, you get cold Christmases at the Bartowski's.
Buy More Employee: Oh no, he didn't.

(A car horn sounds)
Chuck: That would probably be Morgan, he's giving me a ride to work.
Ellie: On what, his handlebars?
Chuck: No. Uh, uh, Morgan--Morgan bought a barely-functioning '81 Delorean that only goes 22 miles an hour. So I'd better get going. See ya!

Ellie: Morgan, are you holding my underwear?
Morgan: Wait a second, wait a second. Wait, I-I need to be very clear about this. Okay, the only thing I came in here to steal was a CPR test. So any suggestions to any pervy related to your panties--underpants is, frankly, outrageous.
Ellie: So you deny being a perv, but you admit to being a thief?
Morgan: Do I at least get points for honesty?

Chuck: I also had an idea for what I'm going to do. I was thinking maybe Eurorail through Europe, y'know, backpacking, that kind of thing.
Ellie: That sounds--
Devon: Awesome. Remind me to tell you about Amsterdam, my man...he he he (Ellie glares at him) Lovely city, lot of canals.

Ellie: You have many skills, Chuck, but the kitchen is not one of them.
Chuck: Oh, but that's why they call it Hamburger Helper.

(Chuck and Ellie contemplate new jobs)
Ellie: If you say pilot of the Millennium Falcon, I will hit you.
Chuck: Why would I say that, that's absurd! I'm going to be a ninja assassin.
Ellie: No. Try again.
Chuck: Um, Olympic...
Ellie: Uh uh.
Chuck: Secret agent.
Ellie: This is what happens whey you sit in front of the television too long.

Awesome: Chuck, you could have been a surgeon with those hands.
Ellie: He could have been a lot of things, I'd settle for on time.

Morgan: Look, Ellie, I would pretty much do anything for you. You're kind of like a sister to me. A sister I want to have sex with so bad.
Ellie: Oh, god, Morgan!

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes