Hiro Nakamura: "It is not the sword, it is the man." This man is ready.
Ando Masahashi: Hiro. You look bad ass.
Hiro Nakamura: Really?

Ando: Who is it?
Hiro: Destiny!
Ando: I wish Destiny would lose our number.

Hiro: [in broken English] The bomb, it come from the street, destroys everything, everything turn into dust, poof!
Nathan: Your English is a lot better.
Hiro: I met a waitress in Texas.
Nathan: Hm?
Hiro: She teach me many things.
Nathan: Good for you.

Nathan: Me? What makes you so sure?
Hiro: You're flying man! Woooooosh!
Nathan: Shh! Will you keep it down?

I am very special, I offer myself in trade! Release unspecial Ando!

You cannot bribe a Hero. My heart is true. My spirit unbreakable.

Ando: You always wanted to become a Kendo master.
Future Hiro: I studied in Tohoku, so technically I'm a Battojutsu master.
Ando: [exasperated] Why must you always correct me?
Hiro: Because there's a difference.

Future Hiro: Should I freeze time?
Future Peter: No, I haven't had a good fight in years.

No, future me! He's good guy!

Don't worry, New York! We will save you!

I can't kill a man that is asking for forgiveness. It's not the Bushido way!

Hiro: My clock. I made it go back one second using only my mind, my thoughts.
Ando: Too bad you’re not paid by the hour.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys