We’ve known each other for a very long time. See eye-to-eye on most things. But you haven’t lived my life. You have the privilege of believing in what’s best in people. Me? I happen to know there’s some things in this world that don’t deserve forgiveness.


I told you I didn’t start the fight, but I’m glad he’s dead.


Some things break in a way that can never be repaired. Only managed.


Dak’Rah: Look at the work that I’ve done! People need saints. They need belief. If people knew the truth, my work would be undone!
M’Benga: Your work is built on lies. And you never paid for what you did.

M’Benga: Erica! Everything all right?
Ortegas: No. The Butcher of J’Gal is in there and everyone’s acting like he’s the frickin’ Dali Lama.

Ortegas: He’s pretending. I sense it. And I don’t want to play along.
M’Benga: Sometimes, you pretend something long enough, becomes the truth. So let’s pretend the war doesn’t bother us. At least, for tonight.
Ortegas: Put on the Starfleet face?
M’Benga: It’s a good face.

Chapel: Better make that two.
M’Benga: Mine’s a double.
Chapel: Even better.

I’m just a doctor now. I prefer saving lives to taking them.


All of us have to remember what we love most about back home. We fight for them. We fight, hoping it doesn’t change us, hoping we don’t come home different. But if we don’t fight, we don’t win. The disease takes over, and none of us have a home to go back to.


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Quotes

Pike: Send someone else. You don't want me in command of that ship.
April: You're getting us confused. You don't want you in command.

No matter how many stars there are in the sky. No matter how many galaxies swirl beyond our own. No matter the mathematical probabilities or the number of times we say, 'We are not alone in the universe,' our first visit from the stars is always the province of children's stories and science fiction. First contact with aliens always lives squarely in the impossible. First contact is just a dream until one day, it isn't.
