Football is not too big to fail, just wait and see.

I'm really feeling alone right now.

Do you even know what a felony is?

Savannah, you're my best girlfriend. I don't have one of those, I never did before. And I can't lose you.

You just hit me, with a pillow.

Don't be a coward. If you are going to stick a knife in me, don't hide behind the group.

It's not that he doesn't have feelings for you, it's that he thinks he has feelings for me.

Marti: Do you remember the last time you got drunk?
Savannah: Yes, Dan got beat up and arrested. Here's hoping lightning strikes twice.

I need you as my best friend.

It was a lie, but a lie with good intentions.

Hang on to her with both hands, Dan Patch. She's good people.

The second we talk about us out loud is when it becomes real.

Hellcats Quotes

There is a scholarship for cheerleading? For being a football groupie?


You know what gets me through? Hope.
