Claudia Joy: You need to know what I want if something goes wrong.
Michael: Nothing's going to go wrong.
Claudia Joy: Honey, I've been doing this for you ever time you deploy for the last 23 years. You can do this for me this once.

Frank: You know, I have been staring at the same page of this magazine for the last half hour and for the live of me I have no idea what it's about.
Michael: I wonder if this is what it's like for them every time we deploy.
Frank: Well I hope not.

Claudia Joy: Michael?
Michael: We almost lost you.

Michael: So, what do you think?
Claudia Joy: I think you're incredible!
Denise: Both of you.
Frank: Yes we are!

Hello beautiful. I hope you and Denise are out somewhere having fun. No need to call back, I was just thinking about ya. I love you.

Between Denise's kidney and your spleen I think the Holden's owe you a few empty calories.

Normally becoming Brigade Commander is occasion for celebration. Under the circumstances, let me just say I'm damn proud of you.

Michael: She's gone.
Denise: What?
Michael: Claudia Joy. She's gone.

And, you can send as many tofu recipes as you'd like, but until it tastes like a medium rare sirloin, I ain't gettin' near it.

When I heard about the clothing drive, it hit me. This is exactly what Claudia Joy would have wanted. To continue to be useful. To let other Army wives benefit from her life.

I know all about bad days. They sneak up on ya, don't they?

Joan: But, Roland has been there every step of the way, making sacrifices for my career. Now it's time for me to support him and his dreams. I want to do this sir, for Roland, for my marriage and my family.
Michael: And I support that, wholeheartedly. And I would trade all these stars for one more day with Claudia Joy. I will miss you, but I will always be proud of you. Carry on Colonel.

Army Wives Quotes

Give me everything you've got, baby doll, or you're gonna be looking at me from the floor.


Michael Holden: Claudia Joy Holden, after 17 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat every time I look at you.
Claudia Joy Holden: Michael James Holden, after 17 years of marriage I can't believe that tired old line of yours still works.

Army Wives Music

  Song Artist
Tangled Up Gareth Dunlop iTunes
Song Pulling on a Line The Great Lake Swimmers iTunes
Bright Morning Stars Abigail Washburn iTunes