Fiona: Thank you for not giving up.
Michael: Consider it pay back for the thousand times you never gave up on me.

Michael: What the hell are you doing here?
Rebecca: Besides bleeding out on your floor? I'm here to tell you I give up.

Rebecca: You don't have to believe me. Shoot me if you want. But I'm not going to run from you. We're either good or we're not. You decide.
Michael: Go.
Rebecca: I am sorry for your loss. I hope you find the son of bitch who pulled the trigger.

Michael: [looking at Charlie] What will I tell him when he's older?
Fiona: About what?
Michael: About me.
Fiona: Tell him the truth.
Michael: Where would I start?
Fiona: Start from the beginning, start with: "My name is Michael Westen. I use to be a spy."

Wes: You got time to make phone calls now. Who the hell was that?
Michael: Just a girl. On again, off again, jail again. Long story we don't have time for.

Michael: You lied to me
Anson: I told you what you needed to hear.
Michael: One way or another, this is over, I'll see you in hell.

Michael: For what it's worth Agent Porter, I am sorry for what I did to you. I never said it but I truly am.
Sam: I signed up the fight the bad guys. That's all you were doing, so I am good.

Michael: If I can take out the guard
Sam: Wait, whoa.
Michael: I'm not going to kill him Sam
Sam: You sure about that, last time I let you out of my sight..
Michael: I can get us out of here. You can either kick my ass or you can hear my plan. But you can't do both.

Michael: (Dodging a knife stab) Why does it feel like we are breaking up?
Kendra: (stabbing at him again) What can I say, I am a heartbreaker.

Raines: I know Michael, you want answers
Michael: No, Raines, I need answers.

Riley: I'll never stop Westin. I'll hunt you down till the ends of the Earth if I have too.
Michael: Then I'll see you there.

Tom: Let me make this clear right up front. You screw this up there will be no life line, no safety net. It will be just you and me with our asses flapping in the wind. How does that sound to you?
Michael: Sounds like a risk I'm willing to take.

Burn Notice Quotes

Sam: What can I do?
Michael: I just hacked Brennen's cell. I e-mailed you everything on it. I need you to comb through the addresses, text messages and phone calls.
Sam: You wanna know what Brennen's after.
Michael: I wanna know everything. I wanna know who his buyer is, where he's got Nate, what brand of orange juice he drinks in the morning.
Sam: I'm on it.
Michael: And you'd better hurry. 'Cause I get the feeling Brennen's got the Westen brothers fitted for body bags.

Sam: You got the pickup-location, Mikey?
Michael: Train tracks on 10th Street. Looks like the meeting is gonna be on the move so no one can hit it.
Sam: Have to hit it on the move then.

Burn Notice Music

  Song Artist
Song Fun In The Islands Rene Van Verseveld
Song Synthetic Beat Chamber
Song CMP5131 Out Of Range Noizy Ninja