Mitsuki: Am I normal?
Maya: Your pulse is irregular. Brain activity inconclusive ...
Mitsuki: That's not what I asked. I can feel it. Their language. It's filling my mind.

Maya: The mother ship.
Mitsuki: That's where the portals go. If we can learn to control them, we can send people through.

I'm close to something. I can feel it.

Caspar: David Bowie.
Mitsuki: Someone called me that once.

I'm missing something. I know it's in here. But I just can't hear it.

I got in their head once. I can do it again. Whatever it takes.

Nikhil: You want to decloak their transport ships?
Mitsuki: And shoot them out of the sky.

There's only so much bandwidth in the apocalypse.

Analyst [to Mitsuki]

Mitsuki: Sometimes I feel like I can feel it watching me.
Castillo: Be careful in there, OK?

They all wanted to stare into the mind of that alien until they lost their own.

Castillo [to Mitsuki]

Nikhil: This is insane.
Castillo: Which is why [Mitsuki] thought you would appreciate it.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.

Invasion Quotes

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.