Nathan: Why did you save me? Why did you do it?
Peter: Because you're my brother, and I love you.
Nathan: It's not what I would have done.

The Haitian: The universe has decided our fate.
Nathan: Can the universe get me a phone?

Tracy: You think God gave us these powers?
Nathan: If He didn't, who did?
Tracy: A doctir... in California.

Does God know what I am? Do I? Am I an angel or a monster?

Linderman: Trust me. This is the path to salvation.
Nathan: It's not my path. Not if you're leading the way.

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.

Matt: Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, slow down! Slow down, slow down! Aah! (both he and Nathan groan as they land) Okay, we don't talk about that...ever again.
Nathan: Agreed.

Good afternoon. Most of you have no idea who I am. My name is Nathan Petrelli, and I was elected to Congress in the State of New York. Seems like a long time ago. I lost my position. I lost my brother. I lost my family. I'm sad to say that I lost my way. But while I was gone, I had the chance to see the world through newly-humbled eyes. Witnessed amazing things. I've seen ordinary people among us, trying their best each day to be heroes. These ordinary people... like you, like me, are capable of extraordinary things. You have no idea... how extraordinary. But there are other people, organizations, who don't want you to know the truth. I, myself, kept secrets. But last year... something incredible happened to me. And it changed my life. At first, I was afraid. But I'm... I'm not afraid anymore. I'm here to tell you the truth. I have the abili...

Nathan: Hey, you okay?
Matt: When I was 13, my father ran out on us. I haven't talked to him...I haven't seen him. I've spent half my life thinking about what I'm going to say to this guy if I ever got the chance and now I can't even knock on the door.
Nathan: (Knocks on the door) You're welcome!

Nathan: Listen, I'm guessing this isn't official police business. So if I'm there, it won't really make a difference because officialy, neither are you.
Matt: You don't understand. It's Molly. My father did something to her. She's in trouble.
Nathan: What do you mean "did something to her"?
Matt: Come here. (Both step aside for more privacy)
Nathan: Did what?
Matt: He got inside her head somehow. I don't know how he did it, but I think it's all connected. To Kaito, to your mother. It could be dangerous.
Nathan: I can take care of myself. Listen, I have to do this. Let me come with you.
Matt: Fine. We can probably get there faster, you know, 'cause you can uh...(Nods his head upward)
Nathan: I'm not a cargo jet, Parkman!
Matt: Oh, please

Nathan: You didn't kill Keito Nakamura. I know that.
Angela: I have done so many bad things in my life it really doesn't matter what crime I confess to.
Nathan: Let me help you.
Angela: No, what you want is redemption and you're not gonna get it by helping me. You'll just get killed and I can't bear to lose another son.

Nathan: You reading my mind right now?
Parkman: No. (pauses) Yes. Sorr

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys