Olivia: The fish rots from the head.
Fitz: What?
Olivia: Your boys in the Secret Service, they’re taking their cues from you because you’re the head of the fish. Reckless, negligent, selfish. You’re letting things get out of hand and your boys are following. What kind of example are you setting for the people who work for you, who follow you, for the country? For your son?

You better think and you better ask yourself is this really who you want to be? Good to see you, Fitz.

Mediocrity is not an option for me. I don't want that and neither should you.

Olivia: I can still take you down.
Cyrus: And how would you do that?
Olivia: One word: Harrisburg.
Cyrus: Two words: Andrew Nichols.

Olivia: I need you to look into Fitz. He's back, no warning. Shows up on my doorstep saying he's got some case he needs my help with.
Jake: And you think that's strange, a man who hasn't gone for three minutes, let alone three months, without wanting to see you?

Olivia: How's Vermont?
Marcus: Cold. White.
Olivia: No, I mean how's Fitz in Vermont.
Marcus. Cold. White.

Olivia: So this newfound passion for finding missing black girls is just what? An excuse to see me?
Marcus: If it means that we're able to bring even one of these girls home, then who cares?

You are a woman, a tactical thinker, a strategist, and a leader of the free world. So yes, this can be your call, and you will not make the same think below the waist mistakes as the 44 men who came before you because I will not allow it. That is my call. You are never alone. You have me.

Olivia: I hate you.
Fitz: I know.

Olivia: Huck, look at me.
Huck: This should've been my day, Liv. I should've had some peace.

[to Jake] I need to go back to doing what worked. Eyes straight ahead. No looing around corners. No peeping in shadows. No asking questions. No stepping outside the lines. I need to be a good girl.

[to Fitz] You can't vet your jokes. You're not funny.