Peter: What do you do with something that killed you?
Nathan: You could put it underneath your pillow.

If we save ourselves, who's gonna save everyone else?

Caitlin: I'm going with you.
Peter: No. I'm not risking your life too.
Caitlin: We were both in that Montreal painting. I think I'm supposed to go with you, Peter . Besides, when you find Ricky's killer, I want to be there.
Peter: What for?
Caitlin: To kill the bitch

Claire Bennet: Ooh, sorry!
Peter Petrelli: Sorry.
Claire Bennet: That was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going.
Peter Petrelli: Hey, do you... know this girl, Jackie Wilcox?
Claire Bennet: Uh, yeah, half-time show starts in about five minutes. She'll be out on the field. She's a cheerleader. Are you a reporter or something?
Peter Petrelli: Alumni. I'm just curious.
Claire Bennet: You know, between you and me, she's not that special. Just your average teenage girl.
Peter Petrelli: She rushed into a fire and saved a man's life, sounds kinda special to me.
Claire Bennet: Yeah, you're right. I'm jealous. She's our town hero. Me? I don't win too many popularity contests.
Peter Petrelli: Hey, it gets better!
Claire Bennet: What?
Peter Petrelli: Life after high school. It gets a lot better.

Peter Petrelli: She's not like the rest of them.
Claude: Everyone's like the rest. That's why they're the rest.

Peter: ...I-I think he was trying to read my mind. They were all like us!
Nathan: Dysfunctional?

Future Hiro: Should I freeze time?
Future Peter: No, I haven't had a good fight in years.

Hiro Nakamura: Is everything OK?
Peter Petrelli: No... Let's go fix it.

Peter Petrelli: I've been up here all night-thinking about this, thinking about my destiny.
Nathan Petrelli: What are you doing, Pete?
Peter Petrelli: It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan!

Peter Petrelli: What do you do with something that killed you?
Nathan Petrelli: Put it under your pillow.

Claire Bennet: Hey, what's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? Saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Claude: [attacking Peter] You've got the power to stop me, what are you waitin' for?
Peter Petrelli: I'm trying!
Claude: And when you've left New York a smoking wasteland, we'll put that on your tombstone: "Here lies Peter Petrelli. He tried."

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys