Peter Petrelli: She's not like the rest of them.
Claude: Everyone's like the rest. That's why they're the rest.

Peter Petrelli: What are you doing here, Nathan?
Nathan Petrelli: [He tosses Peter's possessions bag at him] Let's go.
Peter Petrelli: You aren't going to ask what happened?
Nathan Petrelli: I *know* what happened. You got yourself in trouble, you nearly got yourself killed.
Peter Petrelli: I saved a girl.
Nathan Petrelli: Had to be a hero, didn't you? Get it out of your system now?
Peter Petrelli: I'm finally getting it, Nathan. I've had these dreams and when I was near them, I could do what they could do.
Nathan Petrelli: You look like hell.
Peter Petrelli: I was with that girl, and that guy that was trying to kill that girl, and this, this cop... I, I think he was reading my mind. They were all like us.
Nathan Petrelli: Dysfunctional?
Peter Petrelli: No... they... Nathan, I have to stop that bomb, I have to save everybody.
Nathan Petrelli: Right now I'd settle for you walking straight.

[to Peter] How can you stop what's coming... when you don't know anything about power?


Peter Petrelli: Peter: I... I think I died.
Claire Bennet: Claire Bennet: I've died before... it's no big deal.

Claire Bennet: Hey, what's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? Saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Claude: Com not quite what I was expecting, but hope for the flowers yet.
Peter Petrelli: You threw me. Off of a 30-story building! If I didn't regenerate, I'd be dead!
Claude: Well, you could have flown. Listen, if you hadn't have worked this one out, you'd have been hopeless anyway. And I'd have to defuse the biggest bomb ever. But you did it, didn't you? You cleared your mind. You called out your power.
Peter Petrelli: You know, before I hit the ground... when I knew what was about to happen, I had this flash... in my head,of this girl that I met in Texas. This cheerleader. She could heal herself. Oh, gosh, she's this sweet kid. Sad little smile, and she just... you were wrong. I don't have to cut her out. I have to remember her! How - how she made me feel! That's how I... Oh, god. It's happening. I'm losing it!
Claude: Well, it's a start.

Claire Bennet: Ooh, sorry!
Peter Petrelli: Sorry.
Claire Bennet: That was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going.
Peter Petrelli: Hey, do you... know this girl, Jackie Wilcox?
Claire Bennet: Uh, yeah, half-time show starts in about five minutes. She'll be out on the field. She's a cheerleader. Are you a reporter or something?
Peter Petrelli: Alumni. I'm just curious.
Claire Bennet: You know, between you and me, she's not that special. Just your average teenage girl.
Peter Petrelli: She rushed into a fire and saved a man's life, sounds kinda special to me.
Claire Bennet: Yeah, you're right. I'm jealous. She's our town hero. Me? I don't win too many popularity contests.
Peter Petrelli: Hey, it gets better!
Claire Bennet: What?
Peter Petrelli: Life after high school. It gets a lot better.

Claire Bennet: You... How did you...
Peter Petrelli: Where is he?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. He ran away before I got here.
Peter Petrelli: Police. Go get some help, okay?
Claire Bennet: Okay. I'll be back... Hey. What's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? By saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Peter Petrelli: Did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know... I'm just a cheerleader.

Peter Petrelli: Where's the cheerleader?
Isaac Mendez: I don't know.
Peter Petrelli: But you painted her.
Isaac Mendez: You painted her too.

Sorry I'm late. Nathan gave me an earfull about showing up in cords. I told him I'm trying to stay grounded.

Nathan Petrelli: I'm sorry. You're gonna have to go.
Peter Petrelli: I see. You know what? I'm just gonna go fly off the terrace. Yeah. No? Nathan, I can fly. So can you. Let's go do a couple of laps around the Statue of Liberty, and give this tweeter-guy something to really talk about.
Nathan Petrelli: You wouldn't.
Peter Petrelli: Hey?

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys