Vincent: Look, Catherine, you're right. As much as I want a normal life, I can't have it. I'm not normal and, like it or not, for the record I don't like it, I don't really have a choice.
Cat: We don't have a choice. Vincent, you've been given a gift. It might not have started out that way, but it has become that and, if you think about it, it's really not much different from why you wanted to join the army or why you wanted to become a doctor.
Vincent: Or why you wanted to become a cop.
Cat: I keep saying, I really believe that were in this together for a reason. Not just for love.
Vincent: Except, without that, I'd be lost.
Cat: [Vincent helping her down] What are you doing?
Vincent: [smiling nervously] I'm making sure you don't fall. [getting down on his knee] Will you marry me?
Cat: [smiling] Yes.

  • Permalink: Yes.
  • Rating: Unrated

Cat: If we move the couches, then the french doors would be blocked.
Vincent: Yeah, but it's really hard to play video games when the sun's glaring off the screen -- no cast.
Cat: Video games? How loud are these video games because I like to sit out here and do case work. Also, I emptied a drawer for you to put all your bills and your paperwork in, so we can merge all of that stuff too.

JT: Panic attack, fear of commitment -- it's just guy stuff.
Vincent: No, no no; guys do not beast out when they're moving in with their girl.
JT: True, but that's how your primal brain shows fight or flight.

Vincent: Do you know how many blonde women there are in Manhattan?
Cat: OK, but you have to admit that could have been Carol.

JT: Listen, um, you're not mad at me about all this, right?
Vincent: No. Not at all man. Look, I wanted to connect with my family, I just never know how.

Cat: Do you realize what you just did?
Vincent: Yeah, I just stopped us from ruining what should have been the best day of our lives.
Cat: No, you maybe have just ruined our best chance to find out who's behind all this and for what, because you don't want to elope.
Vincent: Yes that is exactly why I did it.
Cat: Vincent we were never really going to do that.
Vincent: Yes we were. Maybe not technically, but we were about to recite vows Catherine.
Cat: So what if we did? What difference does it make? It's just a piece of paper.
Vincent: No, no it's not.

Vincent: You're saying we keep this from Catherine?
Tess: Yeah I am. At least until after the wedding, which is what, ten, eleven hours from now? Why ruin it for her? Why ruin it for you?
JT: It's your call big guy.
Vincent: Catherine is gonna kill me if she finds out about this and blows up in her face, right?

Vincent: We gotta stop this guy Liam first.
Cat: OK we are not stopping Liam.
Vincent: We got to. We got to at least try, Catherine.
Cat: You don't understand. I am done Vincent. I am not doing this anymore.
Vincent: What do you mean?
Cat: I don't even know what I was thinking. This is never ending and it just keeps getting worse. Liam could have easily killed us today. So why are we going after him when he's not even coming after us? Why should we have to keep risking our lives, our friends lives, Heather's? Who says this has to be our fight? It's not. It's over, I quit.

Cat: What are you doing here? Why would you want to steal Julianna's body?
Vincent: I didn't try to steal Julianna's body. I was just trying to track Liam off of it. Anyway, look, it's a good thing I came.
Cat: No it is not a good thing. This is a police case, I told you, one that I am handling.

Vincent: [talking to Heather] Do you realize what you just did?
Heather: What? I was just saying how I feel.
Vincent: You just put a whole lot of peoples lives at risk, innocent people.
JT: [trying to stop Vincent] Vincent.
Vincent: You think I like doing this Heather? You think I like the fact that my wedding just blew up in my face?
Heather: [starting to cry] I'm sorry.
Vincent: You know because if Cat doesn't turn it around, and quick, Liam is gonna be out there and a whole lot of innocent people are gonna die. It's just not our lives at stake here, you get that?
Heather: [walking away crying and upset] Yeah.

  • Permalink: Yeah.
  • Rating: Unrated

Vincent: We're nothing alike. You're a cold blooded killer.
Liam: And you're not? Tell me, Vincent, how many people have you killed?
Cat: It's not the same thing. Vincent doesn't kill innocent people. He doesn't blow hospitals up.
Liam: A kill is a kill, just like a beast a beast. Let's face it, the only thing keeping him from being more like me is you. It's a thin line brother.

Vincent: What if we tell Russo what Liam's thinking we'd never tell him?
Cat: That you're a beast?
Vincent: Yes, Yes, OK, Why not?
Cat: Why not? Are you kidding me? What do you think they're gonna do, forgive you, us, pretend like none of those cases ever happened? No, they're gonna crucify you.
Vincent: They're gonna do that anyway. You know, whether we like it or not, at least this way we're in control, not Liam.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
