JT.: Yeah, but it's against the law. I only got away with it the last time because Gabe deputized me.
Vincent: Did he give you a plastic badge and a decoder ring, too?

J.T.: What's wrong with your place?
Vincent: Well, I don't have facial recognition software or gummy worms.
J.T.: Yep, that's how I lure the ladies.

Gabe: How close are you?
Cat: Ohhh, too close.
Vincent: I think he's talking about Sam.
Cat: Oh. Close!

You know what I think about that? I think screw Gabe.

J.T.: I can't believe you're gonna let her walk away.
Vincent: Well I'm not about to tell her at her boyfriend's funeral.
J.T.: But he's not really dead!

Vincent: So how was Mexico?
Cat: Caliente.

  • Permalink: Caliente.
  • Added:

And, yes, I love her. Enough to let her be with someone who's worthy.

Gabe: Obviously not really, because you're gonna save me from the bomb. You will save me, right?
Vincent: Yes, I will save you.

Gabe: You know I'm telling the truth when I say I've never seen that vial before in my life.
Vincent: Yes.
Gabe: Then tell her that, because I'm tired of trying to get her to trust me.

Eighty-seven? I don't think Barnes is trying to make an octogenarian beast.

J.T.: Well, it looks like we're back where we started again. Just you and me, buddy.
Vincent: You are not living here.

All I know is that when we're together, there's something about your
power that... It doesn't just amplify mine, OK, it affects everything -- The way I think, the way I feel.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
