Winona: You're a little old to be fighting, aren't you?
Raylan: Certainly too old to be losing.

You've got so many hair clips in your room, you need me to identify it?

Winona: She's not dead, is she?
Raylan: I hope not.

Raylan: I need to convince her to get out of Kentucky.
Winona: And you think dumping her, handcuffed, at your ex-wife's house is going to do the trick?

It's kind of hard to stay mad at Raylan.

Winona: Sometimes I look at you and I never wanna see you again.
Raylan: Other times?
Winona: There are no other times, just that...Raylan...other times I wanna run away with you to Costa Rica.

Raylan: I saw a man threaten to shoot a pregnant woman through the belly, just before a bullet went through his brain so...I guess you could say, it wasn't good.
Winona: I can handle that Raylan. I can't handle silence.

Winona: You put up our house as collateral for a God damn horse?
Gary: It is a champion Arabian.

The one who kicked me in the face...if you get the chance, shoot him in the nuts.

Winona: I'm really sorry.
Raylan: I know that. It's the only reason I'm not beating you over the head with a phone book.

Winona: I got distracted.
Judge Reardon: I can see your tall drink of distraction right here.

Winona: Who are they?
Raylan: Lord knows. Any number of people who are trying to kill me.

Justified: City Primeval Quotes

Willa: C’mon, Dad, I don’t want to do this.
Raylan: I’m guessing you’ll think about that next time you consider punching a girl in the face.
Willa: I barely touched her!
Raylan: You broke her nose.
Willa: She deserved it.
Raylan: That’s not the point.

There’s no such thing as ‘on time.’ You’re either early or you’re late. And where you’re going, we’re going to be early.
