I thought honoring one's word was a part of the Mandalorian code. I guess those are just stories for children.

Frog Lady

These eggs are the last brood of my life cycle My husband has risked his life to carve out an existence for us on the only planet that is hospitable to our species. We fought too hard and suffered too much to resign ourselves to the extinction of our family line. I must demand that you hold true to the deal that you agreed to.

Frog Lady

I'm pre-Empire surplus.


Peli Motto: You finally found a Mandalorian and you killed him?
Din: He wasn't Mandalorian. I bought this armor off of him, though.
Peli Motto: What'd that set you back?
Din: Killed the krayt dragon for him.
Peli Motto: Is that all?

Disney+ Quotes

I'm pre-Empire surplus.


Peli Motto: You finally found a Mandalorian and you killed him?
Din: He wasn't Mandalorian. I bought this armor off of him, though.
Peli Motto: What'd that set you back?
Din: Killed the krayt dragon for him.
Peli Motto: Is that all?