Una: You’re like… a space hippy.
Pelia: Ooooh, well I have been called more names than there are stars in the sky but space hippy is a new one on me.

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Una Chin-Riley
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 6: "Lost in Translation"
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Una Chin-Riley Quotes, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Quotes
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Uhura: Hemmer was our Chief Engineer before you.
Pelia: I know. He was one of my best students. I’m sorry, I just said that because he’s dead. Actually, he was just okay.

Ortegas: It’s the shiniest gas station I’ve ever seen.
Pike: Well, it’s not just a gas station, Lieutenant. It’s right at the edge of the frontier. It unlocks half the quadrant. It’ll be the jumping off point for the next great age of exploration.
Una: Oh, good. I was afraid I’d missed the speech.
Pike: Well, I started earlier, but Uhura fell asleep.