Zoe: We know you have Joel! We want proof of life!
Wade: What are you doing!?
Zoe: I've seen movies.

[To Wade] As a doctor, seriously you need medical help.


[To Zoe] Just try to not to that whole overreacting thing you like to do...


Jam has a expiration, you can't just let it sit on the shelf forever! So, if you don't want it you just tell me so I can take my jam elsewhere!


[To AB] Then you put your jam out there and it's all anyone can think about!


Actually, I wrote a list of a 100 reasons why I suck but I stopped at 97


Joel: How'd you know there'd always be a goth waitress?
Zoe: There's always a goth waitress.

All anyone remembers is that Yoko killed the Beatles!


J.T.: Tess, you don't have to deflect. I'm not gonna to do it again.
Tess: I'm genuinely excited about the bells.
J.T.: OK. But I'm just saying, I have zero expectations. I took advantage.
Tess: No you didn't.
J.T.: I didn't?
Tess: Maybe a little? No. But if I didn't want you kiss me, you wouldn't have because I am intimidating. So we're all good. Just - no one
needs to know.
J.T.: Good. It never happened.

Cat: Vincent I was just posing a questions.
Vincent: Well I'm not, and if you don't walk away, I will.

Cat: Is that what happened with mom? Things got too difficult. So much for your big speech about sacrifices.
Bob: I never said love was unconditional. At some point, enough is enough.

Cat: Do you think he's involved?
Vincent: No. I don't know. OK, his heart was racing. But maybe he was nervous because you're going out with a guy who lives on a