Mer, your boobs are exploding. Go pump.


I rebounded to the McDreamy's.


I was too busy feeding my family and getting my sister wife's breast pump packed to feed myself this morning.


Your son is the devil's spawn. He drinks the milk of a liver thief.


I don't ease back in. I jump in the deep end. I swim.


Goodman: You know, if you were any good at this one of my fingers would already be gone.
Annie: Too much blood.

Goodwin: In order to beat him, you have to become him. And, that's not you is it Ms. Walker
Annie: I'm no longer Ms. Walker, remember?

I'm already dead.


Auggie: Don't even talk to me
Calder: I'm not the enemy here.
Auggie: Really? I think you are.
Calder: Annie W alker died because she went rogue.
Auggie: She was not a traitor. You shot her in cold blood before she could explain herself. You did this, Calder, all of it.
Calder: You want to know why I didn't save her? Whey the hell didn't you?

Hank told me I could have twenty dollars if I could shut up for one whole hour. And then I did. I don't think you should drop out of the race.


Give me some credit, I used to be a surgeon, I wouldn't leave a mess like this.


He said you didn't want to be in bed with Harry Lerner and then I said I wouldn't want Harry Lerner in my bed either. And then he said that was supposed to be a metaphor and then told me to go play video games.
