Thea: I wanted Laurel to arrest you.
Roy: You know you're not the first girlfriend to say that to me.
Thea: She said I couldn't change you, so I'm not gonna try to.
Roy: What, so you're giving me money and a rock?
Thea: The check is two weeks severance from the club. Just because I can't change you doesn't mean I have to let you be in my life until you get yourself killed. And my brother gave me that when he came back from the dead. Said it a hosen. Some Buddhist thing that symbolizes reconnecting. If you want to reconnect with me, keep the hosen and tear up that check.

Felicity: Guess what I majored in. Hint - not the secretarial arts!
Oliver: Felicity! If I'm going to be Oliver Queen, CEO, the I cannot very well travel down 18 floors every time you and I need to discuss how we spend out nights.
Felicity: And I love spending the night with I worked very hard to get where I am and it wasn't so I could fetch you coffee!
Diggle: Well, it could be worse. My secret identity is his black driver.

Laurel: Look. I used to feel the same way as you. He has this way of seducing you. Making you feel like he's some kind of guardian angel. But he's not. He causes chaos and death. And you trying to emulate him just makes the situation worse.
Roy: Half the city fell into the hole. I'd say the situations already worse.
Laurel: Who, like you and The Hood?
Roy: There are others. Others out there who are willing to do what's right. I've seen them. I've seen her.
Laurel: I'm not interested in anyone else. Just him.

What I see is a man who is going to come out of this stronger. Peter Burke, you are going to beat this, and you're going to come home to me.


Out of the frying pan, into the firehouse.


Neal: Should have held out for a private jet.
Peter: One promotion at a time.

Impossible is what Neal Caffrey specializes in.


He suddenly has a get-away-from-handler-free card.


If you think this woman deserves a second chance, we should give it to her. Even though she tried to kill me, I hate her guts.


May: Bus to short bus.
Ward: Go for short bus.
Coulson: Next time I'll decide what we call ourselves, ok.

Skye: So you asked how she could have cracked the system. I have a pitch, but its way outside the box.
Coulson: I live outside the box.

Skye: What's up Phil.
Coulson: I prefer you not call me Phil.
Skye: Ok, you're the boss AC.