That pit is called guilt. You feel terrible because you broke Stefan's heart. And that nagging feeling is your brain waking up to tell you that you've made a horrible, yet completely reversible, mistake.


Silas: What I don't get is why she likes you.
Damon: That's because you haven't had sex with me.

Caroline: Damon. Towel. Knock!
Damon: Caroline. No one cares. No!

You do realize you are dating a reformed serial killer, right?


Caroline, she's dead. You can stop competing with her.


He's deferring from enrolling and deferring from returning my phone calls. So I'm deferring from sleeping with him ever again.


Woman: You look just like Elena Gilbert.
Katherine: Actually, I'm much prettier.

If I had a suspicious nature, I'd think there was more to it than that. Oh wait. I do have a suspicious nature.


Here I am, I'm a drunk, just like him...and I hurt people I love, just like him. but I'll tell you something, I ain't never hurt a child, and I'll be damned if I ever will.


Gunnar: I had no idea you could look that good.
Scarlett: Was that supposed to be a compliment?
Gunnar: It was supposed to be, yeah.

He's not my boyfriend. He's just on the payroll.


Will: How you like my new look?
Scarlett: Where's the bachelorette party?