Shut your lady loving lips. You've slept with men?


Alex: You just look so athletic.
Joss: It's actually more of a metabolism thing than a being in shape thing.

April: So I'm "the most stunning woman he's ever met" but he's terrified of my package.
Joss: Which sadly, that's not a euphemism.-

Harry: You're up early.
Joss: And not hungover. Thank you very much.
Harry: Welcome to what we normal people call Wednesday.

Artie: Pete, moderate your Comic-Con panel later!
Myka: What's Comic-Con?

20 miles of Warehouse and I find the one dead end!


Oh, I'm fine the floor broke my fall!


Doc Yewll: She use to be good people.
Nolan: Sometimes good people do bad things.

I've changed too. I've become a healer instead of a destroyer. That's why I am so sorry for what I have to do. But it's for the Greater Good.

Doc Yewll

Tommy: Nolan, a man was killed.
Nolan. A bad man, a long time ago.
Tommy: You're going to try to bury this, aren't you?
Nolan: It's my job to keep the peace. Not running around like Sherlock Holmes chasing old ghosts.

Tommy: You're going to be my date.
Irisa: I don't date.
Tommy: Why not?
Irisa: I'm from the Badlands.

Jim: So Callie, will you marry me on any other day than September 7th?
Callie: Yes.
Jim: Never gets old.