She's alive.


She's a little short bus don't you think?

Frye(about Sonya)

I brought the money. The girl is Mexican. I'm going!


The money is here. One million dollars. I watched the video of the girl. I think about those disgusting gringos and how they are just sitting there watching her die. Take the money. I lose that much every month to the rats in my warehouse.

Senor Galvan

Don't let the past ruin what could be an incredible future.


Dr Santino responds to one thing. Honesty.


TK: V3
Sheera: It's where this all started. It might as well be where it ends.

You just wanted to get your last licks in before you kicked me to the curb.


You know all that make up sex we had. That was actually break up sex.


There's no cure in therapy.


TK: The heart wants what the heart wants.
Connor: I don't think it's the heart you're talking about.

I just got a little scrambled in the brain when I saw the she-devil over here.