Why would Danny kill Regina and then take the one thing that would make him feel guilty?


Your vortex is my vortex.


Harry must be so proud of his little Australian sperm.


Don't turn this on me, Savi. I don't sleep with people I work with.


What is with all the pouty faces? Did they cancel Pretty Little Liars?


Your'e not really still selling this bed are you?


Sorry to use your office but they're making an adult film across the street and this is by far the best view.


They're making a porno. The whole point is so you can watch, over and over again.


It was so great. At least I think it was great. I haven't had sex in so long I'm not sure I'd know the difference.


I know it's terrible but apparently I do terrible things.


Carlos: What's that: [tapping his forehead]
Jim: Oh that's just a Gypsy curse Inna put on me.
Carlos: Get away from me.
Jim: What?
Carlos: Get. Away. From. Me.
Jim: Are you serious?

Inna: If It's alright by you, I'd like to go home.
Jim: If you mean by home RV park than your real home. Because, sorry for you, but that ocean view condo is now my crime scene.
Inna: You can't do that. All my things are there.
Jim: Yeah, the swag you got from Walter, that's all mine too.