[to Finn] I'm the Beistmaster. Blaine said I couldn't be faculty adviser unless I dressed up once a week. I'm from the planet Testosrogen. I can digest any known substance and cry at the drop of the hat. I'm not kidding about that last part. Last night I teared up at an Activia commercial.


Finn: The theme is 'Foreigner.' We're going to sing songs by Foreigner, in foreign languages, wearing all the costumes of the world's nations.
Artie: Wait, seriously? That's your idea?

What kind of name is Ryder Lynn anyway? Because it sounds like your parents named you after a cowgirl doll who comes with her own pony.


Mike: You should be proud of yourself.
Fin: I don't know, two year, two jobs, and one marriage.

A Narcissist doesn't hold a press conference and then a few hours later hang himself.


DB: So why were 8 bodies buried just outside Seattle dug up and reburied in the middle of who knows where Nevada?
Nick: A place so remote you would have to know where it is to find it? That's a good question.

Fin: In other words, our body trumps your X-Files convention
FBI Agent: Let them have their grave, keep them out of my hair [walks away].
DB: First time that ever worked.

I saw a movie that started like this, it did not end well; alien invasion.


Michael Jackson couldn't handle those.


Hermann: Just be careful.
Boden: For what?
Hermann: Don't replace a kid you lost with a kid you can't save.

You know what I'm thankful for? Two families, and not many people can say that.


Nutmeg makes all the difference in the world.
