Emily: When I want to escape, I think about Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music, twirling her skirt on top of that mountain.
Patient: Not working.

Emily: For the record, I loved vampires before everyone else caught on.
Micah: Is this a point of pride?
Emily: Just a fact I am proud of because it happens to be true.
Micah: So you and Bram Stoker, huh? Pioneers of the genre?
Emily: See, that line really would've worked had you said Polidori. Look it up.

Dinozzo, let's party!

Schmeil Pinkhas

We all have faith in something. God, science, our partner, our self. We need certain things to be true. All our plans depend on it. Because in the absence of that...


A zebra can't change its stripes but a woman can.

Miranda Pennebaker

Isn't Burt the most relaxing thing?


That TV came over on the Mayflower.


I've seen bad turn to good many times. You can't lose faith.


One gets over a watch. You never get over a loved one.


That sex offender website makes it damn hard to meet chics!

John Stevens

I appreciate that, Tony, but don't try to compete with my Schmeil.


Male friends only want to sleep with you. Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, When Harry Met Sally.
