What you don't think I'd take the dare? Pick the guy.


People like this kind of true-life horror story with a happy ending.


Wow heels and an apron, how "Mad Men" of you mom!

Bay [to Kathryn]

You know, I was only screwing around when I said music saved my life. That's not the truth. You did.


Well, this could be your only shot of looking cool, so you might want to take it. You never know.


I'm trying to be very respectful of her privacy, even though she is living in my house and carrying my baby.


I didn't realize you could do an entire interview in the two minutes I was out of the room.


Joel: Why do we still have a home phone. The only people who still have it is telemarketers.
Julia: And my parents.
Joel: Exactly.

Sarah: Why don't you guys ask Mark?
Crosby: Who's Mark?

Sarah: I thought 40 was the new 30!
Doctor: Not for your ovaries, no.

Makeup Man: This little crease will not go away.
Adam: Okay, are we about done?
Makeup Man: No, no. You have a very shiny T-Zone. We're just getting started. It's a lot of work, all right?
Crosby: You know I always tell him he should exfoliate and he just won't listen to me.

I think I was wrong about you. I think you might be cut out for the fashion business after all, Jane.
