You asked for my theory! I never said it was flawless.


Olivia: Walter, he says you're the only one he will speak to.
Walter: Me?
Olivia: Walter, he says his name is Peter Bishop. He says he's your son.

Well, what choice do I have? I've been haunted for weeks with visions of a strange man. And now the man is here, in the flesh, in our midst, and no one will let me examine him or even see him. I'm kept in the dark knowing nothing. How's a man supposed to get some rest with all these uncertainties?


One question though, who's Luke Skywalker?


Hello Gertrude. It's Colonel John Casey. I'd like to have a meal with you. My treat.


You ever have sex with someone who just tried to kill you? It's incredible.


I am so tired of running errands for that man's stomach.


Sure I did some modeling for Abercrombie and Fitch back in college, but I hung up those cargo pants a long time ago.


So listen Devon. Have you ever given any thought to do something that involves less doctoring and more making a commercial for the Buy More?

Big Mike

Big Mike: Man I am so over this whole Jeffster! thing.
Lester: Me too.

By the way when this whole thing ends, don't expect me to mount anything of yours in my's just tacky.


The Buy More seems...empty. Are we observing International Pancake Day?

Big Mike