I don't know you. I don't wanna know you. So you need to leave me alone, understand?


Sally: We're talking, Faye.
Faye: And I'm interrupting, Sally.

Melissa: Don't go bragging.
Nick: I'm gonna brag about you??!?
Melissa: You're an ass.

When I drag my brother back from the edge and deliver him back to you, I want you to remember the things you felt when he was gone.


Even in his darkest place, my brother won't met me die. I figure I owe him the same in return.


Damon: I was wrong.
Elena: Are you drunk?

I can come back. Help me come back.


Elena: Can you just appreciate the fact that you're not dead?
Damon: I'll give you 10 seconds. 9... 8...

You're not a lost cause, Ric. You're just... Ric.


Give it a second to load. Whenever you're ready AT&T!


I had trouble putting it on and you tried to help and ... that's all she wrote.


It's a magical town.
