So, you'll break her nose, put her in the ER, but you draw the line at murder?

Marcus Bell

Do me a favor -- don't be too careful when you arrest them. Person who did this belongs down here.


Honestly, if I payed taxes, I’d be outraged.


Love is a funny, fickle thing.


You destroyed a creature more beautiful than you could ever comprehend.


Homeland Security is speaking to your neighbors, letting all of them know that if anything happens to you and your family, everyone will be held personally responsible.


There's no version of an effective resistance. There's just misguided idealism that leads to death and despair.


The people you have gotten involved with are not who they appear to be. These kinds of movements prey on idealists like you. You want to make a difference, but they will use you and cast you aside. They will destroy your life without conscience. You're wondering if you have a choice. You don't. You work for me now.


I suggest that you go back home and make sure that these tapes aren't the only thing that you've missed.


Until I close this case you're the only woman in my life.


Don't let fear cost you the pay day of a lifetime.


Tess: Do you have to work at being juvenile or is it just in your DNA?
Tufo: Are you requesting a sample?