I may or may not have done an extensive amount of research on wedding dresses.


It's good for you! It's corn!


Nick: I'm trying my hardest to look poor.
Winston: You are poor.

Why are you putting spoons in the laundry hamper?


Michael: This isn't what you want.
Peggy: What is that you think I want?
Michael: The same thing you've wanted since you were a little girl...a life of adventure.
Peggy: I've grown up. My dreams changed.
Michael: No, you've just let everyone else drum them out of you.

You're going to die if you stay, all of you.


Hayden: If he puts them on, then
Deucalion: Yes, Hayden. They'll kill him.

Spencer: Why is it so easy to fall back into old habits.
Toby: They're easy to fall into, that's why they're called habits.

Vernon: A tidal wave is coming, Agent Carter, and you are going to have to work very hard to stay afloat.
Peggy: I'll manage.
Vernon: Maybe so but your friends could still drown.

Spence we're not an us anymore. You don't get to weigh in on my life anymore.


Hanna: Do you seriously want a wife that you might have to visit behind six inches of glass?
Jordan: You're not hannibal Hanna.

Sorry, Jordan. More about lying to you than erasing that tape. I totally get it if you didn't want to marry me.
