It's hard to forgive sometimes.


I'm expecting a little devil of my own.


Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A priest, a eunuch and a pedophile walk into a bar…


If they’d only switch to a good Burgundy, people would be much more devout.


Who we think we are and who we turn out to be, are they ever the same?


You explain that crazy ass move. Suicide by angry, black mourners?


See? Good work leads to more work


Last I checked I pick up criminals not crayons.


Alright, listen up. I am bloated, I'm cramping, my shoes are killing me and my husband is cheating on me and I have to go apologize to the bitch he's been screwing. I'm gonna kill someone before this day's over.


Stahl: Your own personal guardian angel.
Harlee: Is that what stalkers are calling themselves these days.

They lose their kid and then they go to the factory just like that. I'm responsible for that, all so we can get our son back. Whatever you're going through, we're going through together. You can tell me anything. Just talk to me.


Octavia: It'll get better.
Jasper: When?

  • Permalink: When?
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