Ruby: Oh Ash. Do you really think I want you and your little friends to die?
Ash: Yyyyes.
Ruby: No. I just want things to go back to the way they were when The Dark Ones ruled over evil forces on earth.
Ash: Well, I just want to bang Maryanne from Gilligan's Island, but that ain't gonna happen.

Deadite Amanda: Pucker up and give me a kisssss...
Ash: Fat fuckin' chance!

Gaaah! Creepy kid.


Alright Pedro, I'm comin' for ya! Uh, uh Pablo! I meant Pablo!


Abby, Jesus, I thought I finally met someone who had their shit together.


I think I need to hit the pause button and think about what's next for my future.


Trust me, I am just trying to stay in motion because I am afraid if I stop, I will not be able to get going again, ever!


You passed the GED! That doesn't make you a writer!


Well, this has certainly become the Abby McCarthy show, hasn't it?


Her job is going to a prom! Going to a prom? Not a job!


Abby: You wanna come on Friday?
Harris: Oh my God. Are you asking me to the prom?

If I can inspire women to graduate high school and get an open bar, why not? It's a SheShe win win, right?
