I think we're beyond "weird" at this point.


Kelly, you're too young to appreciate the irony of this, but the car we're driving around belonged to a woman who tried to kill me. Of course, I tried to kill her, too. It was all very complicated.


Tell you two things I know about kids. One, they are the future and should be cherished. Two, they're lying little bastards!


Hank: Is he dead?
Steve: No Hank, he's just taking a nap.

How do you take it? Black, two cubes of shut the hell up.


Hank: I've got a question. What the hell is this drain for?
Chin: Use your imagination.
Hank: I'd rather not.

Hank's smart enough to know you don't sleep where you steal.


Some of the groups are incredibly tolerant, inclusive of a whole wide range of things but...it's like an approved list and if you're not on it then you've got to watch out.


Baez: Everything okay?
Danny: Nothing is.

Garrett: Most north eastern liberal arts institutions are not known for respect or appreciation for agencies of law enforcement.
Frank: Preaching to the choir is for showboats and sissies.

We have been given a miraculous second chance. I won't waste it.

Mary [to Francis]

We were supposed to dance under the stars.
