JD: Where should we go?
Molly: Anywhere we want. You choose.
JD: Mexico.
Molly: No, it's too hot. How about Montana? I see you as a cowboy.
JD: I do have the boots for it.
Molly: We could grow our own food, have fish in a pond.
JD: Ride out the apocalypse like Calderon and Frankie.
Molly: It's working for them.

Molly: I have lost too many people that I loved. And I am not gonna lose you, too.
JD: You're not gonna. This is my choice.

Julie: What's wrong?
Charlie: She thinks it's a date.
Julie: Great! Charlie, she used you, she blackmailed you. Don't forget, she's a killer.
Charlie: Because we made her that way. I mean, she was supposed to be like Ethan, remember? She was supposed to have free will. We just took it away and forced a destiny on her.
Julie: Well, maybe if you had put the damn limiters on when you were supposed to...
Charlie: Says the woman who wiped a kid's memory and rushed a bunch of robot soldiers through production like she was opening up a fast food joint.

I did not commit this crime. Therefore...why should I step down? Should we allow our future to be dictated by apostate Arab states, by foreign meddlers? Should we let the so-called international community, and traitors within Abuddin succeed in the...


It's not even close to being over.


This is the last thing I ever wanted to happen. But now that it has... I feel...I feel like I can breathe again.


None of us is without stain, Mr. Awad. None of us.


This is justice.


You didn't have to pick up the phone.


Jake: I was looking out for you.
Brooke: You mean looking out for my boobs?

You're not going to die. Tonight, we change the ending.


Audrey: You know, I kind of like this whole real human thing you got going on.
Brooke: Are you flirting with me?
Audrey: You wish.

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