You want help? Let me help you and listen real close because this one is gold. Everybody that you've ever loved is dead, including your brother.


It's a good score, Kate. It's going to play.


I think it's time to find an expert.


It's no bad. Those idiots. All you need is an umbrella.

Sex Machine

Kate: You know another thing? I didn't just lose my brother down in that temple. I lost my dad too. He begged me to kill him, and I drove a stake into his heart. You don't see me shooting myself up with poison.
Seth: You never told me that.

Seth: You want out? Get out. You want to play in the darkness, little miss sunshine? You be my guest. I don't need this shit.
Kate: I'm not ready.
Seth: Oh no, sure you are. You pulled your first big job all by yourself, isn't that right? In fact, here you go. Here's your diploma. Take half. Get the hell out.

Not even a sip? Something's up.


What is this, a mixed metaphor? A simile? I'm a little tired for wordplay.


Now I know what a prisoner feels like.


He works in the building. He's a good guy.


Jamie: It should work. But what if it doesn't?
Mitch: Well if it doesn't, I'm going to be breaking into a zoo with a bunch of nut job radicals, and nobody's going to have my back. But I'm not worried about that. You know why?
Jamie: Why?
Mitch: Because I have faith in you.

Boris, work friend of Jane's? If something happens to Jane, I'll kill you dead.
