Drake: What if you don't like what I find?
Maura: Just find the truth. I'm confident that will exonerate Suzie.

We have to treat this like any other case. Dig into Suzie's life and find out who had a reason to hurt her.


Suzie. Her name was Suzie.


Frankie: I, uh, never knew she'd been skydiving.
Maura: She asked me to join her. Now I wish I had.

Are you researching CIA torture treatments?


Scott: Why did you do that?
Dread Doctors: His condition is terminal.
Scott: What does that mean?
Dread Doctors: Failure.

  • Permalink: Failure.
  • Added:

I've lived in the world of the supernatural a long time, but I'm still a doctor. I'm still a man of science. Something like this happens, it rattles the foundation of everything you believe. Something like this shakes you to the core.


Kira: What do you even call that?
Deaton: Personally, I call it terrifying.

Kira: What are we suppose to do?
Deaton: Same thing you've always done. Protect your friends. Protect eachother.

If she [Tracy] wasn't born and she wasn't bitten. She had to have been made.


This isn't something I can fix overnight. Until I do, you run.


We did it. He's gone. It's over.
