What kind of Muslim steals a wife from her husband? A mother from her child? You have already taken two of my sons!


Oh, you should see the size of our army now, Samira. This is an amazing thing to see. You were right, you were right. This is the way. This is how we will take down the Al Fayeeds. This is how we will take back our country. This is the way, Samira.

Ihab Rashid

You know the trouble with just believing? It's too easy. Being skeptical, without being closed minded, that's the hard thing. So, no, I'm not giving up.


If you're talking about immortality, it always struck me as wildly overrated.


Ivan: Tell me. Waddya see?
Cat: A game of Jenga for a billionare?

I'm an acquired taste.


Perception can sometimes stain reality.


What if what we thought was a man on the verge of insanity was actually a man on the verge of an extraordinary evolutionary breakthrough?


Jamie: I know I shouldn't have lied to you, but I did it for a good reason.
Mitch: That's the problem with you. Your good reason barometer is on the fritz.

This was not humans, but dogs. What purpose would it serve them to be more efficient murderers?


Emma: Where are you?
Brooke: In a nightmare of my own making.
Emma: Seriously it might not be safe.
Brooke: Trust me, it's too safe.

We don't call that "comforting" in America. We call it rape.
