My God... there really is nothing in there left to save.


Peter: Sarah if you leave this room you are finished with my team. Do you understand?
Sarah: It was never your team Peter, you were just keeping Alan's chair warm.

Brother Michael: And do you think you've beaten me? You've imprisoned the king; congratulations. That would make you the queen of nothing.
Amy: This coming from a man who just killed his children.
Brother Michael: Yes yes, I've killed a thousand of my children. And I will create a thousand more and kill them all over again. Children are simply wisps of dandelions.
Amy: Such bravado, for a man who stayed hidden on an island his entire life.

Amy: I'm going to enjoy not having to hear you chirping in my ear every day.
Brother Michael: You say that, but what are you going to do? What are you going to do girl? You want to kill me? I've lived five hundred years. Death waits for me, no matter what you do I will live forever.
Amy: Good, I'm counting on it.

Brother Michael: What do you think you're doing?
Amy: I'm creating a monument to you; a shrine.
Brother Michael: You think this is going to scare me? But you can't do this to me, I'm your father.
Amy: And I'm a dandelion with teeth.
Brother Michael: You can't do this to me. I will have centuries and you have mere seconds. You will become dust and the dust will settle upon this island. And when I'm free, I will walk upon that dust. No matter what you do, you will wither away and die. I will live forever and you will die.

Kyle: Come on, things are intense enough without you screwing with my head.
Sarah: Look Kyle, we really need to talk.
Kyle: About what? A five hundred year old man?

Brother Michael: The thinning is completed. It was a terrible day, but a necessary one. The children are always the most difficult; tiny hands. A pity they couldn't be spared.
Amy: I'm sorry you had to go through it alone.
Brother Michael: That's not what you were saying yesterday.
Amy: I've had time to think.

Lemon: Here's the thing. I knew Harley, and even though my daddy and Harley didn't always get along, I always thought that he was a real nice guy. So, if you ever want to talk about him, I'd be happy to.
Zoe: Thank you. That's really sweet.
Lemon: Don't get carried away.

George: I've been meaning to ask you, did you really mean what you said about me and music managing?
Annabeth: Hell yeah. I'm so proud of you.
George: Wow. You're amazing, you know that? I'm kinda, sorta falling for you, Annabeth Nass.
Annabeth: Well, right back you sir.

Wade: Was there some kind of zombie apocalypse?
Zoe: Where are the pancakes? The pastries? What happened here?

Lavon, I've been waiting for the perfect moment, and I certainly didn't think that it'd be a time when I am covered in alpaca droppings and mud, but I just cannot wait any longer because I love you.


Lemon: No, me getting together with Lavon has to be like the perfect movie moment with wine and twinkly lights with just the right song coming on at just the right time and the perfect dress.
Annabeth: Okay, well go out and buy the gosh darn dress, Lemon, and make your move.