The mountain has cast a shadow over these woods for too long. They've hunted us, controlled us, turned us into monsters. That ends today.


Cage: I underestimated the Commander. Is that what you need me to say?
Dante: It wasn't the Commander. It was Clarke.

When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out - Ho Chi Minh


Reid: The business of incarceration is extremely lucrative and virtually recession-proof. The Citadel Corrections Company has more than quadrupled their holdings since they were founded twenty years ago. They now have nineteen facilities all across the country. 59,603 prisoners in their charge.
Rossi: Guess I had it wrong all this time. Crime does pay.

Morgan: You know, Callahan there's one other possibility we need to consider. What if a guard is actually involved?
Kate: Just means we got to be careful who we can trust.

Reid: Doing this while we're here is incredibly bold, it's practically a taunt.
Hotch: Or a message.
Warden Tate: To who?
Hotch: Us

Morgan: You ready to get the hell out of here?
Kate: Am I ever.

Dwight D. Eisenhower once wrote "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking is freedom."


This doesn't represent me. This doesn't represent me. This doesn't represent me.


Mac: That is about as low-brow as it gets.
Charlie: Yeah Dennis isn't gonna like that.

Oh god, don't be a dumb hungry bitch the entire time --


You can't get groomed, or become a groom, without a bride!
