One man came and lifted us all up…and that man was me!


So I'm kinda totally on Ron's side.


So, hands in, defeat Ron on three! 1, 2, 3!


Yeah! I'd love to shots…because wine makes me sleepy now.


Leslie: Who cares if they have more money, I have the most valuable currency in America: a blind, stubborn, belief that what I am doing is right!

You all have 36 hours to find me $90 million, go!


Rob: You know what else is interesting? Since Alex has been here, you haven't mentioned the love of your life once.
Mindy: What are you talking about? I've talked about spare ribs like 10 times. Oh, Danny!

April: I guess I could pick up a brisket tomorrow and start it for dinner Thursday.
Andy: Oh Thursday's no good - I have production meetings ALL day. And we have dinner with Joe and Donna on Friday. Hey, you know, Sunday. We could go to the farmer's market, put the brisket in the slow cooker, get a movie on payper view - the new Jason Borne movie is supposed to be pretty funny.
April: AHHH!!

All my alumni email goes to spam because they're always asking me for money. Because one time I fell through a stained glass window


I'm not nosy. I don't even go to restaurants with open kitchens. It's none of my business.


Schmidt: Come on Gina, give me a shot at red potatoes.
Gina: No way cause I need ya. You're the best sort of mid-level employee I've ever had. You are the ass to my horse and I'm gonna keep you right here, right by my side where I can find ya, forever.

Hahaha, write down that I'm funny!
