Gibbs: This all started the day you showed up.
Rebecca: Oh. Rule 39 - there's no such thing as coincidence.
Gibbs: That's right.
Rebecca: First of all, I gave you that rule.
Gibbs: No you didn't.
Rebecca: Yes, I did. And second of all, use your head, J. I'm clearly being set up here. Obviously someone knew that I was coming to see you. That's your lead. Not me.

Only the beginning, my friend


Hello Agent Gibbs. You are a hard nut to crack, as you Americans like to say. I left you all the clues. You really should have seen it coming. That has to sting. If you mess with my family, I mess with yours. Check, Agent Gibbs.


Palmer: No. I don't want to.
Ducky: You don't want to what, Mr. Palmer?
Palmer: I don't want to know how much her liver weighs. I don't want to catalogue her scars. Most of all, I don't want to cut open another friend. Think I've had my limit.

Why not? We're in a simulation.


I was waiting for the punchline.


Sergei wants to hurt you. It's clear he blames you for something. Something that wounded him to the core. And now it's payback time. But killing you is inadequate. He wants to see you suffer. Which means that all bets are off on what might come next, or for whom he might come.


Thanks for the rescue... I was thinking of committing carbocide alone.


Abby: Boom! There goes summer camp. How is this fun?
Lyla: It isn't! You just gotta be stoic. Game face. Stoic.

Daphne: I'm so sorry that this turned into such a mess.
Bay: Yeah
Daphne: That's why I'm not going to Gallaudet. I know that you didn't ask me too. It's just the right thing to do; stay.
Bay: You don't get a medal for not going.
Daphne: I know that. I just wanted to be around for you. For whatever you need.
Bay: Well I need you to not be here right now.
Daphne: What?
Bay: I need you to leave my room.
Daphne: Bay...I
Bay: No. Seriously.

Last one in the car is a rotten friend.


Yes, but this is divorce. It's painful and sad and nobody wants to read about it.
