Jake: You know I always thought this bridezilla thing was just a myth, but Annie's changed right in front of my eyes like Chris Pratt's body.
Kevin 1: I know, he is right and tight now.
Jake: What does he do? How does he get it done?
Kevin 1: Where does he find the time?
Jake: He works so hard.

Annie: Hey bae.
Jake: Is bae really that much shorter than babe? It's literally the same amount of syllables.
Annie: But that extra "b" makes my mouth so tired.

Annie: Scooby why don't you just take your time and decide who's wedding you'll be at, and we'll roll with it because that's what I'm known for, rolling with it.
Kevin 2: You can call me Adele 'cause I'm rolling in the deep.
Annie: And I'm just rolling with the homies.
Kevin 2: Papa's like a rolling stone. Rollin' rollin' down the river.

Kevin 2: It's not a bouquet. It's an oversized boutonniere that has a handle so I can walk around like a princess.
Kevin 1: Yeah my little princess with a penis.
Jake: You're queenie with a weenie.
Kevin 2: Don't talk about my penis.
Jake: Fair enough. I'm sorry about that.

Law & Order's not going to watch itself. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it could because it's that awesome.


Gil: So my place is getting fumigated 'cause I have fleas from that alley cat I fought.
Kay: It was just a piece of chicken, man. You should've let it go.

I think my book can help you get your groove on and I, uh, believed it all when I wrote it, but now I think, what a pile of horseshit. I mean, it should be called "Not In Love Anymore, You Can Stay Married." But, screw that. You deserve more than that. I mean, women can be funny and so there and so present, but if our hearts shut down, you can't open them again with a blow torch and this book... I mean, I still think there's some good advice in there if you actually feel something, honestly, I wasn't trying to sell you a lie. I was... I mean, there were times when I would watch my husband sleeping and I would just think, if he would just die, it would be so much easier.


Max: Shit happens. But you don't leave. That's what we all signed up for. That's marriage.
Abby: But it's not always that simple.
Max: I guess I don't understand. It's not like anybody was getting hit, or was an alcoholic or anything.
Abby: I'm so sorry I didn't get hit. I realize that's hard for you.

I love you Jackson, from the deepest, purest part of my heart.


Unser: Let's do this quietly.
Gemma: Not exactly my style, sweetheart.

Nate: God forgives everyone, sweetheart.
Gemma: Yeah, I hope so.

This isn't about saving Gemma. It's about saving Jax.
