Abraham, you are not doing this. I forbid you to flirt with a widow, your friends wife.


I've got to learn to stop asking you questions.


I was wondering if I could play the killer this time. I feel like i'm always the victim.


Buckle up, Henry. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.


We don't need a Kramer and if we needed one, Morgan's more that energy.


Peter: Mindy, your boyfriend groped me. You are a beard.
Mindy: Oh no, it's happening again.

Rule #1 with a baby, don't use it as a human shield.


Today, I went out and bought curtains, and I closed them before I...relaxed.


Right now, I am grown up who living like The Situation.


I don't need friends, I have a girlfriend. That's the whole point of a relationship, so I always have my little buddy to watch The Weather Channel with me.


That's not gonna work out for you and you need to let her go, for both of your sakes. Guys like us don't get the girl.


Harrison: Mr. Queen, I met your father once, at a charity event. One of the things we spoke of was you. I think he'd be very proud of the man you've become.
Oliver: Thank you. Please, call me Oliver.