The stamps were on me. I was curious about how old glue tasted. Answer, like a horse lollipop.


Imagine a letter had unprotected sex with a phone...


Her mind finally snapped, like a stale breadstick.


Jake: You got it. You're my friend and I won't let you down. I'm gonna push you up, just like a bra.
Rosa: What?
Jake: Nah, I meant brassiere, which is totally different!
Rosa: Come on man.
Jake: Not better... Here we go!
Boyle: Here we go!

When my dad died, I figured out this trick for dealing with the pain. Because it would come in waves, you know. And then, just like a wave, eventually it passed, so I'd just start to count. One, two, three, sometimes twenty sometimes a hundred. Sometimes I make it all the way up to three thousand. I knew if I could just keep on counting, that eventually it would pass. So when, when Gabriel died, I tried that again. I'd wake up in the middle of the night and I'd be sweating and I'd just feel that darkness bearing down on me and I'd try counting, but this time it just wouldn't work becasue it's too dark and I'd forget the numbers, and I'd forget what order they're supposed to come in and the only thing, the only thing that made it better for me, made it so I could just breathe, just for a second, was you. And I thought if we could just keep on moving forward, if we could just move forward that eventually everything was gonna get better. It didn't get better. It just got worse. Sometimes I wonder if it's him. That this is his way of telling us if he can't be there, then we can't either.


Cole: This place smells like hell.
Alison: I kinda like it.
Cole: Do you smell that? You'd have to have a death wish to want to live here. Was it something I did?
Alison: No.
Cole: Ahhh. I feel like I'm gonna puke. Don't sit on that. No. Don't. Don't get your dress dirty.
Alison: I'm so sorry.

Helen: Listen, I never thanked you.
Alison: For what?
Helen: For what you did for my daughter.
Alison: It was nothing.
Helen: No. It wasn't.

Cole: Do I know 'im?
Alison: No.
Cole: Is he from here?
Alison: No.
Cole: Good. Then it's your problem. You deal with it.

Noah: Maybe it just made me feel better to be seen as someone. Something successful. You just see me as potential unfulfilled. You're waiting for the guy you married to happen.
Helen: Only because you are.
Noah: Helen, I love you so much.

Noah: She was in a very dark place and she came after me pretty hard.
Helen: Oh my God. This is disgusting.
Noah: I was feeling weak, I guess. I finally had a book published, it took ten years and it was just nothing. Nobody read it.

Noah: I don't know why I did it.
Helen: What... what am I supposed to do with that?

Noah: Helen.
Helen: Uh oh.
Noah: I'm so sorry. It's so stupid.
Helen: Shit.
Noah: And it was nothing. I wanted just to pretend it never happened because it meant nothing, but I, I, I can't
keep it from you. I...I had a fling. This summer.
Helen: A fling? So what, like once?
Noah: A few times.
Helen: With who?
Noah: It doesn't matter.
Helen: The waitress? Alison? I knew it. You know, I fucking knew it. How long?