Jane: Do you, by any chance, know my father?
Nora: Of course. [looks up to God] Everyone knows him

Oh gosh, did I let my inside voice get out again?


Rebekah: I know I have to give her back to Hayley when the time is right, but she's made me realize how much I want that child of my own and I know I can't have one.
Elijah: A lovely dream, one just beyond our reach.

[to Aiden] One thing I learned from Marcel? Loyalty sends a powerful message. And hey, look, if you get nervous, or like, need a vote of confidence or whatever, just remember that, uh, I think you're pretty amazing.


[to Kol and Finn] I'd prefer you both to join me against our mother, but I'll happily settle for one or the other. Either way, if you continue to defy me, your lives will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonizing torture. So, which is it to be?


We arrive into this world as innocents. Wide eyed and vulnerable. It is the job of our parents to nurture and protect us.


Elizabeth: If you never listen to anything I say again for the rest of your life, please hear this: Everything is more complicated than you think it is right now. And the only way you come to know that is through experience. And that's what this whole process of growing up is all about.
Stevie: Yeah. I know. I gotta go do that now.

Stevie: What did stepping it up mean?
Elizabeth: Stress positions. Physical abuse. Waterboarding. I wasn't in the room when they did it. But I knew what was happening, obviously.
Stevie: Why are you telling me this?
Elizabeth: 'Cause I have to.
Stevie: Well, I really wish you hadn't.
Elizabeth: We were at war. Changes the landscape. It forces you to face things you didn't even want to know.
Stevie: Yeah, like the fact that your mother is not the person you thought she was at all.

Daisy: What did you do?
Matt: You deserve someone who will fight for you. It can't be him.

We need to push you as the Grizzly Mom.


It all comes crashing down.


Well, here's the thing...
