Neal: Other people have gone to jail for refusing to give up a source. I'd consider it a badge of honor.
Will: Be sure to show your badge to your roommates when you get there.

A truth that matters can't stay hidden.


Neither the first nor any other amendment protects you when you conspire to commit treason.


Blair: Reese, you're a douche.
Resse: Yes I am but I'm a douche on the side of the angels.

I hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt. I just got a little sluttier as Adalind! ...Is that a terrible thing to say about the mother of my granddaughter?

Elizabeth Lascelles

Royal foresters did not throw a brick through our window, Monroe!


If you're interested in your friend ever being a Grimm again, let's board up the window and get back to work.

Elizabeth Lascelles

Cristela: I still believe in equal pay.
Trent: Good news, you and Josh are making exactly the same.

Daniela makes more money than you? That makes you the chick in the relationship.


Hey Dad, do you have to make breakfast for Mom now?


Daniela makes more money than you!

Cristela [to Felix]

Look, I wasn't saying that women can't do everything men do. I was just saying that they won't be as good at it.
